I don't understand what you do

I’m a movement specialist. I work with people who have sore muscles or joints, to get them out of pain and get moving so they can do the things they love. I’m “discipline-agnostic” — so after assessing their dysfunctions, I use whatever techniques will help them: strength training, Yin yoga, Pilates, Yamuna Body RollingTM, and more.

I'm too embarrassed about my body's abilities and my body image to go to a gym or to exercise in public. and/or I have privacy needs so I can't go to a gym or exercise in public

I give you a safe space — both emotionally and physically — in my private studio, where you can be honest about your body issues and challenges, and can work towards solving them.

I'm worried about appointment flexibility and being trapped into a contract

I limit my workload to five clients a day, so I can be flexible with appointments and give each client the time and attention they deserve. After your first three sessions, you can purchase packages of six and renew as needed — there’s no long-term commitment.

I don't know what to expect from MBC appointments

At our first session, I’ll listen to your concerns and assess your dysfunction, then get you moving (gently!) to establish some benchmarks. Thereafter, I’ll work with you using a variety of movement techniques. Unlike a single-modality studio (such as yoga or Pilates), I use whatever techniques work for you — then give you homework and tools to take with you.

What do I wear?

Please wear comfortable clothing suitable for exercise for all sessions. While exercising, you can be barefoot or wear socks, but you do not need (or want) shoes. Please wear garments you can move easily in: most people find that shorts and a light t-shirt/tank top are ideal and items with zippers and pockets are less ideal. If you are visiting the studio, please note that there is no "change room", but there is a small closet you can use to zip in and out of your clothes.

Where is the studio?

For in-person sessions or product pick-up, the My Body Couture physical address is #210, 908-17th Avenue. It's on the 2nd floor of the Devenish Building. When you enter the building, you go up a set of stairs (the bridal store level), which is the first floor. Keep going...

When can I come?

Please make an appointment for in-studio sessions. For in-person product pickup, please check the schedule on the website.

How can I pay?

You can pay by cash, cheque or credit card. Debit cards are not accepted. However, you can direct an e-payment to janis@mybodycouture.com. All products and services must be pre-paid unless otherwise arranged.

For in-person programs, what am I committing to?

All new clients are required to purchase a package of 3 sessions: this gives us time together to best assess the problem(s) and offer you directed and effective solutions on the path to resolution. Please note that that there are no refunds on the intro package, so if something untoward happens, let me know and you can pay a single session fee of $225. You will be getting homework in order to help you get you the results you desire so please ensure you have some time to commit (2 hours a week) in the first few weeks of starting. All sessions thereafter are sold in packages of 6.

I’m taking a group class and it’s not working for me. Now what?

For pre-registered group packages and online programs, there is a 75% refund available after the first class and 0% refund available thereafter. All packages and programs are non-transferable.

Oops. I bounced a cheque. Now what?

Any NSF payments will be assessed the bank fees we incur ($20).

I have a fear of short-term relief needing endless sessions, and depending on the practitioner (like chiropractors, who use techniques that patients can't perform themselves, and sell you into 2x week sessions for a year or more)

I not only give you relief from pain and tension, I help you understand the underlying causes. And I give you a program, tools, and techniques that you can replicate at home.


I’m coming to the studio. Where do I park?

This is a messy, but available situation...like a Tinder match. The "back alley" of the building is on-again, off-again: sometimes on, and sometimes off. Don't depend on it. 2 hour parking is available street side on 15th between 8th and 9th.

I’m coming to the studio for an in-person session. What do I bring?

Nothing! All mats, balls, and equipment are provided. In future sessions, if you have purchased balls or small equipment, please DO NOT bring them...they tend to get mixed in and/or left behind, which is sad for everyone involved.

I don’t want my Yamuna Body Rolling ball anymore. What can I do with it?

If your ball is unused and in resellable condition, I will return it within 30 days with a restocking fee of 20%.

My Yamuna Body Rolling ball is broken! Now what?

All Yamuna Body Rolling products are sold with a 60 day manufacturers warantee against defects. Please report and return damaged product or discrepancies of quality within this window for a return or replacement ball!

I am in the 8 week online class. I am panicked that I won’t be able to finish: why do I need to do it within 10 weeks? How do I get an extension?

I built the 8 week program specifically to generate results. I understand busy lives and schedules (takes one to know one!) but results require commitment. You can buy an extension package, but otherwise it’s a requirement to finish within the 10 weeks allotted. You got this!

I have questions!

Join the My Body Couture Secret Client Group on Facebook and ask away!

I’m a studio client. What’s expected of me between sessions?

Generally people (that's you!) dig homework to compliment your time in studio. We will compose an email during our session (so my face is in the iPhone, im composing your notes!). I am available for reminders if you forget but it's best to bring a camera/iPad/iPhone if you need visual reminders. I will not be able to provide detailed notes, photographs from my personal archives, drawings (you don’t want to see me draw!) or pages from my teacher training manuals, as these are copyrighted materials (sorry!)

I’m a studio client. How do I book or change sessions?

All sessions should be booked through the email (janis@mybodycouture.com) or text (514-804-0504). For the intro package and all sessions going forward, you must provide 24 hours notice on all cancellations or you will incur a full session fee. You will receive appointment reminders so you will have a update of your booking time.

I was a regular studio client but I haven’t been in for a while. I want my time back!

If you have a regular booking slot, you will forfeit your spot after two weeks if you do not attend your appointments (unless you are sick or on vacation or have otherwise provided notice).

I am concerned about an injury

Please communicate 24 hours a day at janis@mybodycouture.com. You may also text me at 514-804-0504

I need a receipt. How do I get one?

Your account is a matter of record to you (and the Government of Canada). Please ensure your details are up to date in case we need to reach you and that your sessions and payments are accurate (in case the government ever comes calling). Receipts are readily available via your account, so if you didn’t get one or need one re-issued, please text or email.

Fiscal responsibility.

You are responsible for checking paying for sessions you have attended. That sounds obvious but if you pay for 5 sessions and attend 6, you have to pay for the 6th :) You need to pay for product that has left the studio and you need to pay for online programs (whether you did them or not).

Physical responsibility.

It is your responsibility to communicate current pain or injury — whether in-person or online. Also any chronic injury, past surgery, accident, or medical condition that could impact your physical health or your ability to exercise.


You will release quotations and comments for promotional use. I will offer you the ability to mask your name or identity, but all comments and compliments may be subject to promotional use! I will check with you prior to releasing photographic images.