My life has been one of adventure, discovery, learning – and giving back.
I grew up on a farm, where chores and physical labour were part of daily life.
I started running in my University days
I found my way to the U of A for a commerce degree. Running helped combat the stress and pressures studying and student life presented. However, eventually, I developed an overuse injury in my knee.
I discovered Pilates.
In 1995, as I explored physical therapy and other treatments that weren’t really helping, Pilates was life-changing — and finally enabled me to move without pain. I was so inspired, I started helping clients of my own in my spare time, in my path to STOTT Pilates level II certification.
I moved to Toronto and New York City, following my dream career in magazine and fashion publishing all the way to Harper’s BAZAAR.
While living in Manhattan, helping people move better became my passion. By night and on weekends, I learned from the top experts in a host of disciplines.
My certifications and trainings eventually grew to include:
• Yamuna Body Rolling (“mechanical yoga” that promotes extension of the body’s tight muscles and joints)
• Critical Alignment Yoga and Therapy (pulling gravity back into the midline of the body to promote a healthy spine)
• Yin Yoga (slow-paced yoga in which you hold poses for longer periods of time)
• Leslie Kaminoff yoga (all about breath and the anatomy of body shapes)
• Nutrition (AADP certified through the School of Integrative Nutrition and additionally certified with Precision Nutrition, which integrates clinically proven strategies)
• TRX suspension training (functional training system utilizing bodyweight, gravity and vectors)
• Rainbow Kids Yoga (social yoga promoting laughing, dancing, playing, singing and togetherness)
• Anti-Gravity Yoga (hanging in a hammock is still one of my favorite ways to decompress)
• Forrest Yoga (the trauma yoga)
• Gabor Mate’s Compassionate Inquiry (the connection between the body and emotions/disease)
• Bessel van der Kolk’s Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga (a clinically proven adjunct trauma treatment)
• Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing (how trauma impacts our soma)
With a new baby and a new calling, I knew it was time to return to Calgary and pursue my second career.
I opened My Body Couture, the business I wished had existed when I was searching for relief from runner’s knee — and my inability to change my body shape, even through two hours of exercise per day.
My personalized approach, along with having an intimate, inviting space is the embodiment of my “couture” philosophy.
Today, word-of-mouth recommendations for My Body Couture have brought me a dedicated group of clients. They range from brides-to-be to new moms looking to reform their figures. From injured runners who want to finish their first marathon to committed athletes with overuse issues. From people with pain due to diseases (like scoliosis or childhood cancer), lifestyle, or age, to “type A” people who do too much, too hard.
I see every new client as a chance to help, a chance to learn, and a chance to connect. No wonder so many clients end up feeling like friends — I love what I do.